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Sussanne Khan An Interior Design Maven

Sussanne Khan: An Interior Design Maven

Early Life and Family

Sussanne Khan, born October 26, 1975, is an esteemed Indian interior designer.

Her lineage is adorned with notable figures, including her father, the legendary Bollywood actor Sanjay Khan, and her mother, Zarine Katrak Khan.

Interior Design Journey

With an artistic flair honed since her youth, Sussanne Khan embarked on her interior design journey after graduating from Brooks College in Long Beach, California, in 1995.

Conceptualizing her debut project, Khan embarked on a path that would cement her reputation as a design visionary.

Recognition and Acclaim

Sussanne Khan's exceptional talent has garnered widespread recognition and acclaim, making her a force to be reckoned with in the world of interior design.

Her design solutions are characterized by their elegance, functionality, and attention to detail, earning her a loyal clientele that includes Bollywood stars and discerning individuals alike.
